The example I remember was they got a person with schizophrenia to push a bottom when he was having an hallucination and then checked him immediately via a PET scan (like a cat scan) and were able to see which part of the brain was active.
After taking large amounts of fish oil (I forget the amount but like 5000 mg or so), he stopped having all sign of schizophrenia..then they repeated the pet scan and found that the area from before now completely resembled a normal brain and not a schizophrenic brain,
The reason omega three fats work for things like depression is that average American gets several times more omega 6 fats than omega threes (as omega three are not that common) and this causes the brain (which is primarily fat) to malfunction in the following way.
Normally the neurotransmitters (think of them as little boats) have to cross the synaptic gap between two neurons (brain cells) and then continue on going from neuron to neuron in a kind of nerve relay or impulse. When these boats go into the gap between the brain cells in their travels, they must cross the gap and then jump to the next neuron..they do this by docking into dock like sites caused neuro-receptor sites. Normally they are snug so the boats (neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, etc) wiggle their way in as the docks (neuro-receptor sites are flexible.
However, when we get more omega 6 than we should (the 6 and 3 fats should be about equal), these receptor site (docks) harden and the boats cannot wiggle in them and they build up in the gap and this is what is called a chemical imbalance. Too much of a neurotransmitter there can cause an illness like say depression.
supposedly antidepressant alter this process; unfortunately thought they carry serious side effect..most SSRI antidepressants can cause increased suicidal ideation and exacerbated depression in some people (read peter breggins books for the dangers). This is why alternative healing is preferred.
One should increase omega three fatty acids by consuming fish oil..the highest sources in fish (canned or fresh (wildcaught not farmed) are mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines. The only land sources are walnuts, flax seeds and flax seed oil, and purslane.
I am interested in your findings as I have add I strongly believe and was just researching herbs for it. Do you feel fish oil can pinch hit for the krill oil which I assume is more expensive and what was the exact dose (by mg) that you took..
Please comment on this by adding details or email me if you could
Based on the data I just explained and mentioned, no, I would definitely not assume it is a placebo effect..real changes are taking place in the brain.
Has your anxiety also gone down as I have this and depression and need to start taking the fish oil I have in the freezer that I usually forget to take..I am thinking I should take these again after reading your question and thinking about this..|||thank you for picking me best..I just answered moments ago..lucky me. I definitely could benefit from better memory and since I have several malfunctions in the brain (depression, anxiety add etc) this should help me in several ways..I have recently started eating mackerel salad again and am going
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|||to try to remember to take fish oil I have in freezer and the flax oil I have there too seeing how well this worked for you and remember what I read in past and the positive results in the studies dr j linked to..I am scsared to take medical drugs as SSRI antidepressants made me very suicidal for 15
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|||sorry this posted several times and will not delete to continue for 15 years and it all stopped when I got these medical drugs and now they warn people this could happen but they didn't back then..I think parents might be interested in your results as fish is a lot safer than Ritalin there is also
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|||an herbal tincture by herbs etc called kidilin and kidilin for adults..for anxiety try organic tinctures of kavakava, valerian, lemon balm, chaomile (which helps add too) also breathe lavender essential oil and use rescue remedy for crisis.
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|||sorry I spelled that wrong it is kidalin not kidilin
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n this above --lemon balm, chaomile (which helps add too)--that should be spelled chamomile. I have since found that chia seeds (sold under the name salba) is extremely high in omega three fats (nearly 3000 mg a spoon) and easily blend tasteless into many foods/liquids
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|||Hi Jessica. It is definitely NOT a placebo effect. There is a rapidly growing body of scientific evidence that deficiency of essential fatty acids (omega-3's are one type of essential fatty acids) is associated with many types of affect disorders (e.g. ADHD, Depression, etc.). Below are links to several scientific articles on this subject.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Best wishes and good luck.|||Omega 3 are an essential part of a good diet and is for more than just one or 2 things. I take it for arthritis, heart health and mild depression.
You may also want to look into a vitamin D supplement. Depending on where you live, you may need one. The FDA is increasing the RDR of this nutrient and there has been much written about the lack of this vitamin in the normal diet. The thing with D is it is hard to get in foods and the only other source is the sun. If you live in the northern hemisphere and rarely go outdoors, you are most likely deficient. I would add that to your daily regimen.|||I take them daily especially when I eat high fiber foods. It helps my digestion. I usually take 2 - 4 (800 mg) gel caps daily.
I would say, "who cares if it's a placebo effect, for you it is great!"|||omega 3 are fab supplements. theyre good for heart health and concentration.
in high doses they can create an effect. theyre also used in Alzheimers disease to slow down brain deterioration|||omega-3 isn't an option, its a necessity for our bodies. You can also get it from putting flax seed or flax meal in your cold or hot cereal.
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