Monday, November 14, 2011

Is Omega 3 really that important in pregnancy?

I read that I need to consume DHA's or Omega 3's during the final trimester but its only found in foods that I hate, like salmon! Is it really that important? I bought some eggs that have omega 3 in them today even though they were a bit too expensive for my budget, will they do just as well?|||Lucky for us, prenatal vitamins come with most the goods we need for pregnancy (and nursing, after baby comes out). Of course, it's supposed to be support and it's preferrable to get the nutrients from actual food, but like you said.... salmon? Yech.

If you take prenatal vitamins, you should have those holes in your diet filled in. But just in case, there's nothing wrong with getting those eggs. Just once in awhile, since they're $$ and all, but it's better than nothing.|||I think (dont quote me Im not a doctor) that it is important for babies heart development you can buy it in pill form and My prenatal multivitamin has it in it Im sure the eggs will help|||Very important!!! Flax seed is high in Omega 3. It's tasteless and odorless...sprinkle on yogurt, etc...They have found that it protects against cerebral palsy.|||IT IS IMPORTANT FOR PROMOTING HEALTHY BRAIN DEVELOPMENT. IF YOU DON'T LIKE FISH, MAYBE YOU COULD TRY A PRE-NATEL VITAIMN THAT CONTAINS OMEGA-3.|||FOLIC ACID

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