Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Did you take a prenatal that had omega 3 fatty acids during pregnancy and did you have a healthy baby?

I am taking omega 3 acid along with calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin C.

Is omega 3 safe as a supplement during pregnancy?|||Omega 3 from fish oil is very good for you and your baby - it boosts brain development and can help against depression. You want something with high levels of EPA and DHA.

Omega 3 from flax or flaxseed oil is NOT good for pregnancy or breastfeeding. It can affect your hormones in ways that are not good for the baby. There have also been some animal studies that have shown harmful effects, though no human studies as yet. Some people believe that taking a little flaxseed oil around week 38-39 can help you go into labor sooner - all the more reason to avoid it earlier on.|||YES!

Before I was pregnant I prepared my body by taking folic acid and prenatal vitamines with omega 3 ( Expecta), after I find out I was pregnant I took (CitraNatal DHA )

Since I was a workaholic while I was pregnant my baby was born a month before my due date.He was born vary healthy and he stayed at the hospital for 4 days ( Doctor wanted to be sure he was ok). While my son was at the hospital was breastfeeding my son, and yes I still was taking prenatal vitamins with Omega 3.

Well my son is an advanced baby, he did crawl, speak, walk before time..so you be the judge!!


These last 12 weeks mark an extremely important phase for your baby's brain development. For those that aren't taking some already, consider boosting your diet with the Omega fatty acids, especially Omega-3, which contains DHA.

When pregnant, proper pregnancy nutrition obviously results in an increased need for the right nutrients. Deficiency or excess of any number of nutrients can lead to birth defects or complications during pregnancy for the mother. Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) from fish oils are of major importance for proper nutrition during pregnancy, not only for fetal development, but for the mother as well. For example, DHA is a major component of the brain and other neural tissue including the light-sensitive cells in the retina of the eye. All essential fatty acids are important for normal fetal development. DHA is particularly important because the fetus and/or premature infants cannot produce DHA efficiently|||i dunno.. omega 3 fatty acid is supposed to be good for brain development..

i didn't feel comfortable taking it every day and in vitamin form just cuz i wasn't sure about it either..

but i did get flax seeds and grind them up, you can make cookies with the seeds too.

i also bought oatmeal (expensive oatmeal but really tasty) and it had omega 3 in it and so do walnuts and some cereals.. it says it all over the box if you find a food with it in there.

so i ate those foods to get some omega 3 without taking a daily vitamin.

then i also took a regular prenatal vitamin

my golden rule with pregnancy is to follow your instincts.. if you feel like it isn't good or are worried about it, i probably wouldn't take it.

your body is good at letting you know what is good and what isn't for the baby (that's what cravings and morning sickness are.. your body telling you what you need and getting rid of what you don't).

anyways my boys (twins!) are 4 months old and healthy but i didn't take the daily vitamin so i dunno if that answers your question!.|||My Doctor gave me a prescription for omega 3 and my children are 4 and 2 years old now. My children are fine.They also now have Orange juice and other food products that have Omega 3 fatty acids in them. JUst to let you know the pills are called OptiNate and have three grams of OMega3 fatty acids and I took them once a day|||you should be fine, except i would strongly suggest that you check with your doc about the iron you aer taking.....if you don't really need it, this is not good to take too much of for the baby's sake...so please check withy your doc about the iron, if you haven't already...asap!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....all the best for a healthy, wonderful pregnancy and baby!!!! congrats!!!|||Absolutely! Omega 3 is just a dietary supplement that we all need for good healthy. You just need to make sure to not have too much of any supplement you take because that can be harmful, that why you just talk to your doctor about it.|||yep, actually my doctor perscribed it to me on my first prenatal visit. but i discontinued taking it cuz everytime i did i would throw up everything everytime. and thats with taking it with food|||I took everything you're taking, with the exception of the iron. My son is almost 4 and has no problems. I had a very easy pregnancy and delivery-I hope you do, too! :) Good luck!|||Yes all prenatal vitamins are supposed to have omega 3 in them. They help your child's brain and spine grow. Make sure you ask your doctor before taking it with other medication tho it may not mix well with other medicine.|||absolutely. you should be taking omega3. no doubt about it. it is very imp. for the brain development of the foetus.|||I take prenatals along with Expecta which has extra DHA in it for brain development.

All of my kids are very healthy and very smart!|||I always forgot to take my prenatals with both of my girls, and they are both beautiful, happy and healthy!|||to be totally honest I didn't take my vitamins they made me so very sick. I did take Calcium pills tho and I ate lots of fruits and veggies. So I'd get my fiber and iron and so forth.|||yeah your totally fine. Omega 3 and the folic acids will help prevent any retardation. keep up the good work|||omega 3 is so good for you while you're pregnant... it's something you should take whether you are pregnant or not.|||make sure its not derived from fish..fish that contains mercury can cause autism.

they have supplements at babies r us that are safe.|||congrats yes its safe i did all that i have 4 kids all healthy


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