Friday, November 18, 2011

If Omega 3 is eaten in very high doses it can cause strokes, or so wikipedia says, how high is this does?

How much Omega do you have to eat, and just once, or this dose multiple times before a stroke? I am taking supplements for Omega 3.|||generally if your body doesn't need the supplement that you are taking, it will just pass (if your urine is very yellow, this is why) for your body to OD on supplements, it takes ALOT - I mean an obscene amount. if you just follow the directions on the bottle and take the recommended amount, you'll be fine|||1st, beware of Wikipedia, anybody can add information. 2nd, everything is toxic according to the dose. Omega 3 fats are blood thinners and omega 6 are clotting agents. In theory if one consumes enough omega 3 fat, a stroke could occur. That's dependent on blood type and any current medication being taken. For a normal individual, the dose would be so uncomfortable, no one would attempt it. Also the dose would act like Castor oil, causing releases out of both ends.|||I've always read that Omega-3 helps prevent stroke, not cause it

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